Saturday, November 28, 2020

Difference Between Spark and Hadoop

 Spark and Hadoop are big data frameworks, but they don’t serve the same features. Spark is a data processing tool that works on data collections and doesn’t do distributed storage. Hadoop, on the other hand, is a distributed infrastructure, supports the processing and storage of large data sets in a computing environment.

In order to have a glance on difference between Spark vs Hadoop, I think an article explaining the pros and cons of Spark and Hadoop might be useful.

What is Spark?

A fast engine for large data-scale processing, Spark is said to work faster than Hadoop in a few circumstances. It doesn’t have its own system to organize files in a distributed ways. Its big claim to fame is real time data processing compared to batch processing engine. It is basically a cluster-computing framework, which signifies that it completes more with MapReduce than the whole Hadoop ecosystem.

Advantage of Spark

  • Perfect for interactive processing, iterative processing and event steam processing
  • Flexible and powerful
  • Supports for sophisticated analytics
  • Executes batch processing jobs faster than MapReduce
  • Run on Hadoop alongside other tools in the Hadoop ecosystem

Disadvantage of Spark

  • Consumes a lot of memory
  • Issues with small file
  • Less number of algorithms
  • Higher latency compared to Apache fling
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Reasons to learn Spark

2017 is the time to learn spark and upgrade your skills. Developers earn highest average salary among other experts using the most popular development tools. Some of the other reasons are:

  • Opens up various opportunities for big data exploration and making it easier for companies to solve various kinds of big data issues
  • Organizations are on the verge of hiring huge number of spark developers
  • Provides increased data processing speed compared to Hadoop
  • Professionals who have experience with Apache spark can earn the highest average salaries

What is Hadoop?

A framework that enables for distributed processing of large data sets using simple programming models, Hadoop has emerged as a new buzzword to fill a real need that arose in companies to analyze, process and collect data. It is resilient to system faults since data are written to disk after every operation. Hadoop is comprised of the various modules that work together to create the Hadoop framework. Some of the Hadoop framework modules are Hive, YARN, Cassandra and Oozie.

Advantage of Hadoop

  • Cost effective
  • Processing operation is done at a faster speed
  • Best to be applied when a company is having a data diversity to be processed
  • Creates multiple copies
  • Saves time and can derive data from any form of data

Disadvantage of Hadoop

  • Can’t perform in small data environments
  • Built entirely on java
  • Lack of preventive measures
  • Potential stability issues
  • Not fit for small data

Reasons to learn Hadoop

With the use of Hadoop, Companies can store all the data generated by their business at a reasonable price. Even, professional Hadoop training can help you meet the competitive advantage. Some reasons to learn Hadoop so that experts can exploit the lucrative career opportunities in the big data market.

  • Brings in better career opportunities in 2017
  • An exciting part of the big data world to meet the challenges of the fast growing big data market
  • The job listings on sites like show the increased demand for Hadoop professionals
  • Hadoop is an essential piece of every organization’s business technology agenda

Many experts argue that spark is better than Hadoop or Hadoop is better than spark. In my opinion, both are not competitors. Spark is used to deal with data that fits in the memory, whereas Hadoop is designed to deal with data that doesn’t fit in the memory.

To more info go through  OnlineITguru's Big Data Hadoop Course

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Explain HDFS data read and write operations in Hadoop

 Once you read several models, HDFS follows Write. So we can't edit files already stored in HDFS, but by reopening the file, we can append info. Interact with the Name node in the Read-Write Operation Client first. In this article, we will discuss the internal reading and writing operations of Hadoop HDFS data. We will also discuss how clients read and write HDFS data, how clients communicate with master and slave nodes in the read, and write operations for HDFS data,More info go through Big Data online Course Tutorials Blog.

Read and Write Operations for Hadoop HDFS Data

The Hadoop storage layer is the HDFS-Hadoop Distributed File System. It is the planet's most reliable storage system. Name node is the master daemon running on the master node, Data node is the slave daemon running on the slave node, and HDFS operates in master-slave fashion.

You can install Hadoop before you start to use HDFS. I advise you to—

Here we are going to cover the read and write operations of HDFS results. Let's first talk about the HDFS file writing process followed by the HDFS file reading operation—

Action with Hadoop HDFS Data Write

A client needs to communicate with the master, i.e. namenode, to write a file in HDFS (master). Name node now provides the address of the data nodes (slaves) that the client begins writing the data on. The client writes data directly to the data nodes, and now the data node builds the pipeline for data writing.

The first data node copies the block to another data node, which copies it to the third data node internally. After it generates the replicas of bricks, the acknowledgment is sent back.

a. Pipeline Hadoop Workflow HDFS Data Write

Let's now grasp the full HDFS data writing pipeline end-to-end. The HDFS client sends a Distributed File System APIs development request.

(ii) Distributed File System makes a name node RPC call to create a new file in the namespace of the file system.

To ensure that the file does not already exist and that the client has the permission to create the file, the name node performs several tests. Then only the name node allows a record of the new file when these checks pass; otherwise, file creation fails and an IOException is thrown at the client. Read in-depth about Hadoop HDFS Architecture, too.

(iii) The Distributed File System returns an FSData Output Stream to start writing data to the device. DFS Output Stream divides it into packets, which it writes to an internal queue, called a data queue, while the client writes data. 

iv) A Hadoop pipeline is made up of a list of data nodes, and here we can presume that the degree of replication is three, so there are three nodes in the pipeline. Similarly, a packet is stored and forwarded to the third (and last) data node in the pipeline by the second data node. Read in-depth about HDFS Data Blocks.

V) A packet is only deleted from the ack queue when the data nodes in the pipeline have been recognized. Once necessary replicas are made, the Data node sends the recognition (3 by default). Similarly, all the blocks are stored and replicated on the various data nodes and copied in parallel with the data blocks.

Vi) It calls close() on the stream when the client has finished writing data.

Vii) This action flushes all remaining packets to the pipeline of the data node and waits for acknowledgments to signal that the file is complete before contacting the name node. 

From the following diagram, we can summarise the HDFS data writing operation.

b. How to write a Hadoop HDFS-Java Program file

Follow this HDFS command part 1 to communicate with HDFS and perform various operations.

[php]FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf); = FileSystem.get(conf)

/ Check if a file already exists

Path = New Path('/path/to/file.ext'););

If (path.exists(fileSystem)) {

System.out.println("File "+ dest +" exists already");



/ Generate and write data to a new file.

OutputFSDataStream= fileSystem.create(path);

InputStream to = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream()


Byte[] b = new byte[1024];; new byte[1024]

= 0; int numBytes;

Whereas ((numBytes = > 0) { =

Out.write(b, 0, and numBytes);


/ Close all descriptors for files



Close(); fileSystem.close();

[/php] PHP

Operation Read of Hadoop HDFS Data

A client needs to communicate with the name node (master) to read a file from HDFS because the name node is the core of the Hadoop cluster (it stores all the metadata i.e. data about the data). Now if the client has enough privileges, the name node checks for the necessary privileges, then the name node provides the address of the slaves where a file is stored. In order to read the data blocks, the client can now communicate directly with the respective data nodes.

HDFS Workflow Read File in Hadoop

Let's now understand the complete operation of reading HDFS data from end to end. The data read process in HDFS distributes, the client reads the data from data nodes in parallel, the data read cycle explained step by step.

The client opens the file it wants to read by calling open() on the File System object, which is the Distributed File System instance for HDFS. See HDFS Data Read Process

(ii) Distributed File System uses RPC to call the name node to decide the block positions for the first few blocks in the file. 

Iii) Distributed File System returns to the client an FSDataInputStream from which it can read data. Therefore, FSDataInputStream wraps the DFSInputStream that handles the I/O of the data node and name node. On the stream, the client calls read(). The DFSInputStream that has stored the addresses of the data node then connects to the first block in the file with the nearest data node.

iv) Data is streamed back to the client from the data node, which enables the client to repeatedly call read() on the stream. When the block ends, the connection to the data node is closed by DFSInputStream and then the best data node for the next block is found. Learn about the HDFS data writing operation as well.

V) If an error is encountered by DFSInputStream while interacting with a data node, the next closest one will be tried for that block. Data nodes that have failed will also be remembered so that they do not needlessly retry them for later blocks. Checksums for the data transferred to it from the data node are also checked by the DFSInputStream. If a corrupt block is detected, the name node will report this before the DFSInputStream tries to read a replica of the block from another data When the client has finished reading the data, the stream will call close().

From the following diagram, we can summarise the HDFS data reading operation.

b. How to Read an HDFS-Java Program File in Hadoop

The following is a sample code to read a file from HDFS (Follow this HDFS command component to perform HDFS read and write operations-3):

[php]FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf); = FileSystem.get(conf)

Path = New Path('/path/to/file.ext'););

If, for example, (!fileSystem.exists(path)) {

System.out.println('File is not present');;



In =; FSDataInputStream

= 0; int numBytes;

Whereas ((numBytes => 0) {

System.out.prinln((char)numBytes));/ code that is used to control the read data




Close();[/php]; fileSystem.close()

HDFS Fault Tolerance in Hadoop

The part of the pipeline running a data node process fails. Hadoop has an advanced feature to manage this situation (HDFS is fault-tolerant). If a data node fails when data is written to it the following steps are taken, which are clear to the customer writing the details.

A new identity is given to the current block on the successful data node, which is transmitted to the name node so that if the failed data node recovery is later, the partial block on the failed data node is removed. Read High Accessibility in HDFS Name node also.

The failed data node is removed from the pipeline, and the remaining data from the block is written to the two successful data nodes in the pipeline.


In conclusion, this design enables HDFS to increase customer numbers. This is because all the cluster data nodes are spread by data traffic. It also offers high availability, rack recognition, coding for erasure, etc as a consequence, it empowers Hadoop.

If you like this post or have any queries about reading and writing operations for HDFS info, please leave a comment. We'll be able to get them solved. You can learn more through Big Data and Hadoop Training

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Five ways to handle Big Data in R


What data is big?

 In traditional analysis, the development of a statistical model takes more time than the calculation by the computer. When it comes to Big Data this proportion is turned upside down. Big Data comes into play when the CPU time for the calculation takes longer than the cognitive process of designing a model.

 As a rule of thumb: Data sets that contain up to one million records can easily processed with standard R. Data sets with about one million to one billion records can also be processed in R, but need some additional effort. Data sets that contain more than one billion records need to be analyzed by map reduce algorithms. These algorithms can be designed in R and processed with connectors to Hadoop and the like.

The number of records of a data set is just a rough estimator of the data size though. It’s not about the size of the original data set, but about the size of the biggest object created during the analysis process. Depending on the analysis type, a relatively small data set can lead to very large objects. To give an example: The distance matrix in hierarchical cluster analysis on 10.000 records contains almost 50 Million distances.

To learn complete big data hadoop course visit ITGuru's big data and hadoop online training Blog

Big Data Strategies in R

If Big Data has to be tackle with R, five different strategies can be considered:


If data is too big to be analyzed in complete, its’ size can be reduced by sampling. Naturally, the question arises whether sampling decreases the performance of a model significantly. Much data is of course always better than little data. But according to Hadley Wickham’s useR! talk, sample based model building is acceptable, at least if the size of data crosses the one billion record threshold.

If sampling can be avoided it is recommendable to use another Big Data strategy. But if for whatever reason sampling is necessary, it still can lead to satisfying models, especially if the sample is

  • still (kind of) big in total numbers,
  • not too small in proportion to the full data set,
  • not biased.

Bigger hardware

R keeps all objects in memory. This can become a problem if the data gets large. One of the easiest ways to deal with Big Data in R is simply to increase the machine’s memory. Today, R can address 8 TB of RAM if it runs on 64-bit machines. That is in many situations a sufficient improvement compared to about 2 GB addressable RAM on 32-bit machines.

Store objects on hard disc and analyze it chunkwise

As an alternative, there are packages available that avoid storing data in memory. Instead, objects are stored on hard disc and analyzed chunkwise. As a side effect, the chunking also leads naturally to parallelization, if the algorithms allow parallel analysis of the chunks in principle. A downside of this strategy is that only those algorithms (and R functions in general) can be performed that are explicitly designed to deal with hard disc specific datatypes.

“ff” and “ffbase” are probably the most famous CRAN packages following this principle. Revolution R Enterprise, as a commercial product, uses this strategy with their popular “scaleR” package as well. Compared to ff and ffbase, Revolution scaleR offers a wider range and faster growth of analytic functions. For instance, the Random Forest algorithm has recently been added to the scaleR function set, which is not yet available in ffbase.

Integration of higher performing programming languages like C++ or Java

The integration of high performance programming languages is another alternative. Small parts of the program are moved from R to another language to avoid bottlenecks and performance expensive procedures. The aim is to balance R’s more elegant way to deal with data on the one hand and the higher performance of other languages on the other hand.

The outsourcing of code chunks from R to another language can easily be hidden in functions. In this case, proficiency in other programming languages is mandatory for the developers, but not for the users of these functions.

rJava, a connection package of R and Java, is an example of this kind. Many R-packages take advantage of it, mostly invisible for the users. RCPP, the integration of C++ and R, has gained some attention recently as Dirk Eddelbuettel has published his book “Seamless R and C++ Integration with RCPP” in the popular Springer series “UseR!”. In addition, Hadley Wickham has added a chapter on RCPP in his book “Advanced R development”, which will be published early 2014. It is relatively easy to outsource code from R to C++ with RCPP. A basic understanding of C++ is sufficient to make use of it.

Alternative interpreters

A relatively new direction to deal with Big Data in R is to use alternative interpreters. The first one that became popular to a bigger audience was pqR(pretty quick R). Duncon Murdoc from the R-Core team preannounced that pqR’s suggestions for improvements shall be integrated into the core of R in one of the next versions.

Another very ambitioned Open-Source project is Renjin. Renjin reimplements the R interpreter in Java, so it can run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This may sound like a Sisyphean task but it is progressing astonishingly fast. A major milestone in the development of Renjin is scheduled for the end of 2013.

Tibco created a C++ based interpreter called TERR. Beside the language, TERR differs from Renjin in the way how object references are modeled. TERR is available for free for scientific and testing purposes. Enterprises have to purchase a licensed version if they use TERR in production mode.

Another alternative R-interpreter is offered by Oracle. Oracle R uses Intel’s mathematic library and therefore achieves a higher performance without changing R’s core. Besides from the interpreter which is free to use, Oracle offers Oracle R Enterprise, a component of Oracles “Advanced analytic” database option. It allows to run any R code on the database server and has a rich set of functions that are optimized for high performance in-database computation. Those optimized function cover – beside data management operations and traditional statistic tasks – a wide range of data-mining algorithms like SVM, Neural Networks, Decision Trees etc.


A couple of years ago, R had the reputation of not being able to handle Big Data at all – and it probably still has for users sticking on other statistical software. But today, there are a number of quite different Big Data approaches available. Which one fits best depends on the specifics of the given problem. There is not one solution for all problems. But there is some solution for any problem,More info go through big data online course

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Explain About Big data analytics?

 Similarly, when the whole universe and our galaxy are said to have evolved due to the Big Bang explosion, data has also expanded exponentially due to so many technological developments, leading to the Big Data explosion. This information comes from different sources, has various formats, is generated at a variable rate, and may contain inconsistencies as well. Therefore, we can actually refer to the explosion of data as Big Data,Big Data and Hadoop Course.

Big data analytics

Let me tell you guys why you need it before I hop on to tell you what Big Data Analytics is all about. And let me also reveal to you guys that every day we produce about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data! So now that we've collected Big Data, we can't ignore it and we can't let it sit idle and ruin it.

To achieve multiple advantages, different companies and industries around the world have begun to implement Big Data Analytics. Big Data Analytics offers information that many enterprises are translating into practice and making tremendous profits and discoveries. Along with interesting examples, I am going to list four such explanations.

The first clarification is, as follows.

Make Smarter Organisations Smarter and More Effective.

Let me tell you about the New York Police Department (NYPD), one such organization. To detect and classify crimes before they arise, the NYPD brilliantly uses Big Data and analytics. They evaluate and then chart historical arrest patterns for events such as federal holidays, paydays, traffic flows, rainfall, etc. This allows them to quickly interpret the data with the use of these data patterns. The technique of Big Data and analytics help them classify crime areas from which their officer’s assignment to these locations. Therefore, they avoid the incidence of crime by reaching these places before the crimes have been committed.

Optimize Market Operations through Consumer Behaviour Analysis Transforming Business.

Most companies use customer behavioral analytics to provide customer loyalty and thereby improve their customer base. Amazon is the best example of this. Amazon, with a customer base of about 300 million, is one of the largest and most common e-commerce websites. To provide them with tailored results on customized web sites, they use customer click-stream data and historical purchase data. Analyzing each visitor's clicks on their website helps them understand their site-navigation actions, paths taken by the user to purchase the product, etc. Moreover, they can analyze paths that led them to leave the site and more. All this data allows Amazon to enhance its customer experience, thus enhancing its sales and marketing.

Cost Reduction.

Let me tell you how Big Data Analytics is in healthcare to lower its prices. At home or outside, patients are now using modern sensor systems that transmit continuous data streams. They can track and analyze in real-time to help patients prevent hospitalization by self-managing their conditions. Physicians may use predictive analytics for hospitalized patients to improve performance and decrease readmissions. To classify high-risk patients and predict possible results once patients are home, Parkland Hospital uses analytics and predictive modeling. Therefore, Parkland lowered 30-day readmissions by 31 percent for patients with heart failure, saving $500,000 per year.

Products of the Modern Century

The power to give clients what they want comes with the ability to assess consumer needs and satisfaction through analytics. I have found three interesting items of this kind to quote here. Big data the self-driving car from Google that makes millions of calculations on each trip every time. This helps the car determine when and where to turn, whether to slow down or speed up and when to change lanes. Moreover, it makes the same choices that a human driver makes behind the wheel.

The second is Netflix, which has dedicated its immensely successful House of Cards show for two seasons, by fully trusting Big Data Analytics. Netflix increased its US user base by 10 percent last year and added almost 20 million subscribers from all over the world.

The third example is a smart yoga mat, which is one of the most interesting new things I have come across. It will take you through a series of motions to calibrate your body form, height, and personal limits when you use your Smart Mat for the first time. In your Smart Mat App, this personal profile information stores and will help Smart Mat detect when you are out of sync or balance. Over time, as you develop your Yoga practice, it will naturally evolve with updated data.

What is Big Data Analysis?

This is to discover hidden trends, similarities, and other insights, big data analytics analyses broad and different types of data. Big Data Analytics primarily uses businesses to support their development and growth. This mainly involves applying different algorithms for data mining on the given data collection. Further, this will then assist them in making better decisions.

Stages in analytics for big data

There are the following steps involved in the process of Big Data Analytics.

Stages in Big Data Analytics - Big Data Analytics - Edureka

Big Data Analytics Phases 

Four styles exist:

Descriptive analytics: 

It uses data aggregation and data mining. The descriptive research does precisely as the name means that they "describe" or summarise raw data and make it human-interpretable. 

Predictive Analytics: 

It makes predictions about the probability of a potential result. 

Prescriptive Analytics: 

Uses algorithms for optimization and simulation.

Diagnostic Analytics: 

It is used to determine whether in the past something occurred. Techniques such as drill-down, data exploration, data mining, and correlations describe it. 

Domains of Big Data

  • Healthcare: 

Big data analytics was used by healthcare to minimize costs, forecast epidemics, prevent preventable diseases, and in general, improve the quality of life. The Electronic Health Record (EHRs) is one of the most popular apps of Big Data in healthcare.

  • Telecom: 

They're one of Big Data's most powerful contributors. The telecom sector increases the quality of service and traffic routes more efficiently. These entities can detect fraudulent activity by analyzing call data records in real-time and act on them right away. To better target its consumers and use insights gained to create new products and services, the marketing division will change its campaigns.

  • Insurance:

For risk assessment, fraud identification, marketing, consumer insights, customer engagement, and more, these entities use Big Data Analytics.

  • Government: 

Big data analytics was used by the Indian govt. to get an estimation of the country's trade. To examine the degree to which states trade with each other, they used Central Sales Tax Invoices.

  • Finance:

To distinguish fraudulent interactions from legitimate business transactions, banks, and financial services companies use analytics. Immediate behaviour, such as blocking fraudulent transactions, which prevents fraud before it happens and increases profitability. Besides, it recommends analytics systems.

  • Automobile: 

Rolls Royce, which has implemented Big Data by fitting into its engines and propulsion systems hundreds of sensors that record every tiny detail of their service. Engineers who determine the appropriate course of action, such as scheduling repairs or dispatching engineering teams, are aware of the changes in data in real-time.

  • Education: 

This is one area where Big Data Analytics slowly and steadily absorbs. Instead of conventional lecture methods, opting for big data-powered technology as a learning tool improved the learning of students. It also helped teachers better monitor their results.

  • Retail: 

Big Data Analytics is commonly in retail, including e-commerce and in-stores to maximize their market. Amazon, Walmart, etc for starters.


I hope you reach to a conclusion about Big data analytics. Learn more about Big data analytics and its insights through Big Data and Hadoop online training.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Data Processing in Hadoop

 You need a general purpose frame for your cluster. It is because all other types of systems can address a particular use case (e.g., graph processing, machine learning, etc.) and are not adequate by themselves to manage the variety of computing needs that are likely to occur in the organization. In comparison,

many of the other frameworks depend on common-purpose frameworks. Also the special-purpose frameworks that don't build on general-purpose frameworks also depend on their bits and pieces.more info go through Big Data Hadoop Course,

Hadoop Frameworks
MapReduce, Spark, and Tez are the traditional frameworks in this category — and newer frameworks, such as Apache Flink, are emerging. Usually MapReduce is still built on clusters as of today. Certain general purpose systems, including input / output formats, rely on bits and pieces from the MapReduce stack. Nonetheless, other frameworks such as Tez or Spark can still be used without having MapReduce built on your cluster.

MapReduce is the most advanced, but it is the slowest, arguably. Both Spark and Tez are DAG systems and don't have the overhead of running a Map often accompanied by a Reduce job; both are more versatile than MapReduce. Spark is one of the Hadoop ecosystem's most successful ventures, and has a lot of traction. It's considered by many to be MapReduce 's successor — I advise you to use Spark over MapReduce whenever possible.

Notably, MapReduce and Spark have different APIs. That means you'll have to rewrite your jobs in Spark because you're using an abstraction system, if you're switching from MapReduce to Spark. It's also worth noting that while Spark is a general-purpose engine built on it with other abstraction systems, it also offers high-level processing APIs. Spark API can therefore also be seen as an abstraction system itself in this way. The amount of time and code needed to write a Spark job is therefore typically much less than writing an equivalent MapReduce job.

At this level, Tez is better suited to building abstraction frameworks as a framework, rather than developing applications using its API.

The important thing to remember is that just because you have a general purpose processing system built on your cluster doesn't mean you need to write all of your processing jobs using the API of that system. In general, it is recommended that abstraction frameworks (e.g., Pig, Crunch, Cascading) or SQL frameworks (e.g., Hive and Impala) be used whenever possible for writing processing jobs (there are two exceptions to this rule, as discussed in the next section).

Hadoop Abstraction and SQL frameworks:

Abstraction frameworks (e.g., Pig, Crunch, and Cascading) and SQL frameworks (e.g., Hive and Impala) minimize the amount of time spent explicitly writing jobs for general-purpose frames in Hadoop.
Abstraction frameworks:

Pig is an abstraction system which can run on MapReduce, Spark, or Tez as seen in the diagram above.
Apache Crunch offers a higher level API for performing MapReduce or Spark jobs. Cascading is another abstraction system based on the API, which can run on either MapReduce or Tez.
SQL frameworks:
Hive can run on top of MapReduce or Tez as far as SQL engines go, and work is under way to make Hive run on Spark. There are several SQL engines specially designed for faster SQL, including Impala, Presto and Apache Drill.

Main points about the benefits of using an Hadoop abstraction or SQL framework:
You can save a lot of time by not needing to use the low-level APIs of general purpose systems to implement common processing tasks.
You may change the underlying frameworks (as required and applicable) for general purpose processing.
Coding directly on the frame means that if you decided to change systems, you would have to rewrite your jobs. Using an abstraction or SQL framework which builds on abstracts that away from a generic framework.
Running a job on an abstraction or SQL system needs just a small percentage of the overhead needed for an equivalent job written directly within the framework of general purpose. Also, running a query on a special purpose processing system ( e.g., Impala, or Presto for SQL) is much faster than running an equivalent MapReduce task, as they use a completely different execution model, designed to run fast SQL queries.
Hadoop Two examples, where a general purpose system can be used:
If you have other data (i.e. metadata) information that can not be expressed and exploited in an abstraction or SQL system. For example, if you construct a logical data set in an abstraction or SQL system, let 's assume that your data set is partitioned or ordered in a specific way that you can not express. Using such partitioning / sorting metadata in your job can also speed up processing. In such a scenario it makes sense to program directly inside a general-purpose processing framework's low-level API. In such situations, the time savings of running a job over and over again more than the extra time for growth pays off.
If a general purpose design is better suited to your use case. Generally there is a small percentage of use cases where the analysis is very complex and can not easily be represented in a DSL such as SQL or Pig Latin. Crunch and Cascading should be considered in these situations, but sometimes you can only need to program directly using a general purpose processing system.
If you have chosen to use an abstraction or SQL framework, which specific framework you typically use depends on the in-house knowledge and experience.

Chart, machine learning, and real-time frameworks/streaming
Generally there is no need to ask users to follow graphs, machine learning and real-time / streaming systems. If a particular case of use is important to you, you will probably need to use a system that will solve the case.
Hadoop Frames in maps
The popular graph processing frameworks include Giraph,

GraphX, and GraphLab. Apache Giraph is a library running on MapReduce.
GraphX is a graph processing library running on Spark.
Graph Lab was a stand-alone, special purpose graph processing system now capable of handling tabular data as well.
Hadoop Frameworks for machine learning
Mahout, MLlib, Oryx, and H2O are widely used as frameworks for machine learning.
Mahout is a library on top of MapReduce, though plans are being made to get Mahout running on Spark.
MLlib is Spark's machine-learning library.
Oryx and H2O are machine learning engines which are stand-alone, special purpose.
Framework for real-time / streaming
Spark Streaming and Storm + Trident are widely used mechanisms for quasi-real-time data processing.

Spark Streaming is a micro-batch streaming research library which is built on top of Spark.
Apache Storm is a special purpose, distributed, real-time computing engine with Trident being used on top of that as an abstraction engine.
Hadoop Partitions:
Partition means dividing a table into coarse grained parts based on a column value like 'information.' It makes it easier to do queries on data slices Hive Data Samples
What is Partition 's function, then?

Determines how data is stored by the partition keys. Each single value of the Partition key here determines a table partition. For simplicity the Partitions are numbered after the dates. This is close to HDFS's 'Block Splitting.'
Buckets offer the data extra structure which can be used for efficient queries. A combination of two tables bucketed on the same columns can be enforced as a Map-Side Combination, including the join column. Bucketing by the used ID means we can test a user-based query easily by running it on a randomized sample of the total user collection.
The Hadoop ecosystem has evolved to the point where using MapReduce isn't the only way to test Hadoop data anymore. With the variety of options available now, selecting which system to use to process the Hadoop data can be difficult. You can learn more through Big Data and Hadoop Online Training

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Skills You Need to Become a Big Data Developer

 How To Become A Big Data Developer

Big Data has been the buzz for quite some time now. Big Data related jobs are topnotch in the market today and there is a fair share of reasons for that. Data is generated every hour, every minute, every second. Therefore, enterprises need professionals to control this huge amount of data and utilize it to their benefit.

To learn Complete Big Data Hadoop Developer Course go throgh ITGuru's Big Data and Hadoop Online Training

However, with perks come responsibilities. Therefore, building a career in big data is not an easy task. Apart from being a data savvy professional, you have to be an adept developer and an expert engineer.

A Big Data Developer typically caters to the specific Big Data needs of an organization and works to solving the Big Data problems and requirements. As a specialist, he or she should be skilled enough to manage the complete lifecycle of a Hadoop solution, including platform selection, requirement analysis, design of technical architecture, application design, development, testing, and deployment.

Skills You Need to Become a Big Data Developer
Entering the field of Big Data requires some basic skillsets. Look through them before you dig into the field.

Problem Solving Aptitude
Big data is emerging and there are new technologies evolving everyday. As you dwell in the domain of big data, a new technology will come your way with every passing day. Therefore, to become a successful Big Data Developer, you should be a natural problem solver and tinkering with different tools and techniques should be your forte.

Data Visualization
Big data comes in various forms, e.g. unstructured, semistructured, which are tough to understand.Therefore, to draw insights from data you need to get your eyeballs onto it. Multivariate or logistic regression analysis may be useful for a small amount of data but the diversity and quantity of data generated for a business necessitates the use of data visualization tools like Tableau, d3.js, etc.

Data visualization tools help reveal hidden details that provide critical insights to drive business growth. Furthermore, as you progress in your career as a Big Data Developer, you grow up to become a Data Scientist or a Data Artist when being well-versed in one or more visualization tools is a practical requirement.

Machine Learning
Computational processing of the growing volumes and varieties of available data via machine learning makes it cheaper and more powerful. The need to know machine learning is also essential to a Big Data Developer’s career, because it makes possible to rapidly and automatically produce models to analyze complex data and deliver faster and accurate results on a large scale. Building precise models provides organizations with a better chance of identifying profitable opportunities.

Data Mining
Data mining is a critical skill to be possessed by a Big Data Developer. Unstructured data comprise a huge amount of Big Data and data mining enables you to maneuver such data and derive insights. Data mining lets you sift through all the unnecessary and repetitive information in your data and determine what is relevant and then make use of that information to assess and predict outcomes.

Statistical Analysis
Statistics is what big data is all about. If you are good in quantitative reasoning and have a background in mathematics or statistics, you are already close to become a Big Data Developer. Learn statistical tools like R, SAS, Matlab, SPSS, or Stata to add up to your skills and there is nothing that can stop you to become a good Big Data Developer.

Working with Big Data means working with databases. This mandates the knowledge of a database querying language. As a Big Data Developer, you should be aware of both SQL and NoSQL. Although, SQL is not used to solve all big data challenges today, the simplicity of the language makes it useful in many cases. Gradually, distributed, NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Cassandra are taking over Big Data jobs that were previously handled by SQL databases. Therefore, the ability to implement and use NoSQL databases is a must for a Big Data Developer.

General Purpose Programming
As a Big Data Developer, you need to code to conduct numerical and statistical analysis with massive data sets. It is essential to invest money and time to learn programming in languages like Java, C++, Python, Scala, etc. You need not master all of the languages.  If you know one language well, you can easily grasp the rest.

Apache Hadoop
Hadoop is an indispensable technology for Big Data. Many-a-times, Hadoop is mistaken to be synonymous to Big Data. It is essential to be a master in Hadoop to become a Big Data Developer. The knowledge and experience of core components of Hadoop and related technologies such as HDFS, MapReduce, Flume, Oozie, Hive, Pig, HBase, and YARN will render you high in demand.

Apache Spark
Spark is also an important technology to consider for big data processing. It is an open source data processing framework developed around speed, ease of use, and sophisticated analytics. Of course, Spark is not a replacement of Hadoop rather it should be looked at as an alternative to Hadoop MapReduce. Spark runs on top of existing HDFS infrastructure to provide enhanced functionality and it also supports the deployment of Spark applications in an existing Hadoop v1 cluster (with SIMR or Spark-Inside-MapReduce) or Hadoop v2 YARN cluster or Apache Mesos.

Understanding of Business
After all, the main motive to analyse and process big data is to use the information for business growth. Hence, domain expertise empowers Big Data Developers to identify opportunities and threats relevant to the business and design deploy the solutions accordingly besides communicating the issues effectively with different stakeholders.

In Conclusion
Becoming a Big Data Developer requires proficiency in all the aforementioned skills. IT professionals may have an advantage in learning new programming languages and technologies but people from a statistical or mathematical background also have the advantage of an analytical mind.

However, remember that the more effort you put into acquiring the skills, the better you will be rewarded with a higher pay package. So, invest in yourself and hone your skills with time,Big Data Online Training

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Explain Enterprise tools for big data developers

 When it comes to software development, business teams face particular challenges. Managing more developers means more code maintenance, more programs, more logistics … the list continues.

You can implement a big data approach by many technical business teams. Then it helps to fill the gap between technology creation and operations. The developers work in collaboration with device architects to break down silos. Moreover, this can have a huge effect on the competitiveness and culture of the company. Yet implementing big data also needs major changes. These include changing employee mindsets. Then it incorporates the correct resources, and teaching new skills to the staff.

To get more information and learn big data hadoop course visit OnlineITguru Blog.

1. Version checking: Git
Version control is a method for tracking and administering software code changes. Source management ( SCM) systems are tools that help teams and Big data developers. Thus, you can keep track of their project background. Version control allows Big data developers to view the full revision history. Then you can revert to a previous version of a project or file if necessary.
Today, Git is the most commonly used SCM by Big data developers worldwide. It is free and provides more flexibility for Big data developers than alternatives. This includes Perforce and SVN, and its rise in popularity indicates that Git is the way forward.
2. Git accommodation facility
You will need a hosting service for your repositories to save your project history. This is when using Git- or you can host them internally.
Companies will want to weigh quality, storage capacity, integrations with your current tools. This happens when determining which hosting service to use. Enterprise teams are also not unusual to host their reposits on multiple services.
3. Graphical User Interface (Git GUI)
Similar to the mobile interface, a Git GUI converts what's happening under Git's hood. This is into an interface that your eyes and brain will easily grasp.
The GitKraken Git GUI, allows Big data developers to display their Git repos history. Then the code changes in a stunning techno color graph. Thus simplifies complex Git commands into drag-and — drop
Absent a Git GUI, businesses fail to standardize Git through their development teams and scale it up.

It should not be viewed as a luxury tool, but as an integral part of your DevOps strategy. By harnessing the advantages of a GUI, Big data developers using Git can have a more efficient workflow, and these tools make collaboration a possibility.
GitKraken Enterprise and GitKraken Pro licenses are available according to the requirements of your team's environment. GitKraken Pro can be used if you can access the Internet, while GitKraken Enterprise is intended for teams in firewalled or disconnected settings. All GitKraken Enterprise and Pro
are best designed for administrators responsible for large teams or several divi

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GitKraken not only works on Linux, Mac, and Windows, but also integrates with all of our recommended Git hosting services listed in the previous section: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps and their
related enterprise offerings.
Finally, one of GitKraken's best parts of the Git GUI is how accessible it is to Big data developers who are new to Git. By introducing this tool, the resources to embed new team members will be significantly reduced. Additionally , the fact that GitKraken provides an identical user interface across operating systems, in both the UI and functionality of the application, all of the Big data developers can work together, regardless of which OS they choose.
4. IDE (Environmentally Integrated Development)

The convenience they provide has made IDEs increasingly popular with software Big data developers. An IDE is a software suite that consolidates into one user interface many of the tools Big data developers use to write and test software for.
A developer must spend time without an IDE selecting, configuring and then learning how to use each new tool they adopt. Under a simple framework and a consistent UI an IDE brings everything together.
IDEs usually provide the following key developer tools:
Coding Editor
Compiler or Performer
IDEs can include, as well:
The Library of Code
Tester machine
Platform Testing
5. Tracker Issue
The concept of question tracking has been around for decades, but in recent years the evolution of task tracking tools has been significant. In particular, many tools have added features designed specifically for software Big data developers and development teams in a thoughtful way.
Computer development task monitoring helps individuals and teams to monitor and observe work progress from start to finish. These tools can provide useful transparency and accountability when working on a team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page when it comes to who is responsible for what and when deadlines hit.
Glo Task and Issue Tracking boards allow users to view their tasks in Kanban boards, calendar views, or as dashboards.
Glo integrates directly with GitHub and allows users to use GitHub Milestones to track large projects. Additionally, users can use GitHub Behavior to automate card manipulation on your Glo Board. These features allow less context switching, and allows Big data developers to perform and monitor tasks from the same resource across platforms.
Glo also offers an overview of timelines, courtesy of GitKraken Timelines, a tool designed to help business development teams plan and communicate project objectives and milestones.


6. Server automation
The software development teams are constantly struggling to meet ambitious delivery deadlines and deliver quality products on time and on budget to customers. Because of unforeseen complications in configuring builds or migrating code from staging to production environments, enterprise teams which have not taken the time to refine their DevOps workflow commonly encounter challenges achieving these goals.
These problems can easily be avoided by introducing an automation server which speeds up the packaging and software delivery process and allows for automated and consistent configuration.
When something goes wrong, the automation servers provide quick feedback. If a commit breaks a project, an alert may be issued to the developer or the team (based on the configurations that you set
up). Not only is this helpful in maintaining the integrity of the build in question, it also prevents other Big data developers on the team from checking out the bad commit and further spreading the issue.
Last but not least, automation servers give your Big data developers more freedom to test on a playground without worrying about end delivery.
7. Framework Evaluation
Testing frameworks are an integral part of a successful DevOps strategy as they help to provide high- level guidelines for the creation and design of test cases; they provide a combination of practices and tools designed to help QA teams test better.
● Framework for jest-testing
● Framework tool for analyzing jests
These tools are useful to enterprise teams as they increase test speed, improve accuracy, decrease maintenance costs, and decrease error risk. Then yet another resource that will help you release on schedule and on budget tools.
Most test frameworks are composed of:
● Codification Requirements
● Methods used to handle research data
● Object repository
● Process used to store test results
● Data on how to control outside services
Software systems use direct validation of features and applications, many of which remain within the code base. As such, all of these methods are defined in one coding language since various grammar, patterns, and paradigms can be found in each language.

8. Container Administration System
Containers have become a major focus of company teams working to improve their DevOps strategy, yet another tool designed to help you meet delivery and budget targets.
Containers, one of the top enterprise app development tools, help software to run more reliably when moving from one computing environment to another. This could be from the machine of an individual developer to a test environment, from staging to production, or from a physical machine in a data center to a school virtual machine.
Problems may arise when two software systems that support it are not identical; and software is not the only complication. Differences in the topology of the network, security policies and storage capabilities
can cause problems as well.
Containers take a complete runtime environment — application and all its dependencies, libraries, and other binaries, as well as configuration files — and put everything in one package conveniently.
I hope you reach to a conclusion about Big Data enterprise tools. You can learn more through big data online training.

Friday, November 13, 2020



Introduction to Big data

To most people, Big Data is a baffling tech term. If you mention Big Data, you could well be subjected to questions such as Is it a tool, or a product? Or Is Big Data only for big businesses? and many more such questions,More info go through Big Data and Hadoop Course

So, what is Big Data?

Today, the size or volume, complexity or variety, and the rate of growth or velocity of the data which organizations handle have reached such unbelievable levels that traditional processing and analytical tools fail to process.

Big Data is ever growing and cannot be determined concerning its size. What was considered as Big eight years ago, is no longer considered so.

For example Nokia, the telecom giant migrated to Hadoop to analyze 100 Terabytes of structured data and more than 500 Terabytes of semi-structured data.

The Hadoop Distributed File System data warehouse stored all the multi-structured data and processed data at a petabyte scale.

According to The Big Data Market report the Big Data market is expected to grow from USD 28.65 Billion in 2016 to USD 66.79 Billion by 2021.

The Big Data Hadoop Certification and Training from Simplilearn will prepare you for the Cloudera CCA175 exam. Of all the Hadoop distributions, Cloudera has the largest partner ecosystems.

This Big Data tutorial will give an overview of the course; its objectives, prerequisites, target audience and the value it will offer to you.

In the next section, we will focus on the benefits of this Hadoop Tutorial.To learn visit:big data hadoop course

Benefits of Hadoop for Organizations

Hadoop is used to overcome challenges of Distributed Systems such as -

  • High chances of system failure

  • Limited bandwidth

  • High programming complexity

In the next section, we will discuss the prerequisites for taking the Big Data tutorial.

Apache Hadoop Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for learning Apache Hadoop from this Big Data Hadoop tutorial. However, knowledge of Core Java and SQL is beneficial.

Let’s discuss who will benefit from this Big Data tutorial.

Target Audience of the Apache Hadoop Tutorial

The Apache Hadoop Tutorial offered by Simplilearn is ideal for:

  • Software Developers and Architects

  • Analytics Professionals

  • Senior IT professionals

  • Testing and Mainframe Professionals

  • Data Management Professionals

  • Business Intelligence Professionals

  • Project Managers

  • Aspiring Data Scientists

  • Graduates looking to build a career in Big Data Analytics       

    Let us take a look at the lessons covered in this Hadoop Tutorial.

    Leszsons Covered in this Apache Hadoop Tutorial

    There are total sixteen lessons covered in this Apache Hadoop Tutorial. The lessons are listed in the table below.

    Lesson No

    Chapter Name

    What You’ll Learn

    Lesson 1

    Big Data and Hadoop Ecosystem

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Understand the concept of Big Data and its challenges

    • Explain what Hadoop is and how it addresses Big Data challenges

    • Describe the Hadoop ecosystem

    Lesson 2

    HDFS and YARN

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

    • Explain HDFS architecture and components

    • Describe YARN and its features

    • Explain YARN architecture

    Lesson 3

    MapReduce and Sqoop

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain MapReduce with examples

    • Explain Sqoop with examples

    Lesson 4

    Basics of Hive and Impala

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Identify the features of Hive and Impala

    • Understand the methods to interact with Hive and Impala

    Lesson 5

    Working with Hive and Impala

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain metastore

    • Define databases and tables

    • Describe data types in Hive

    • Explain data validation

    • Explain HCatalog and its uses

    Lesson 6

    Types of Data Formats

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Characterize different types of file formats

    • Explain data serialization

    Lesson 7

    Advanced Hive Concept and Data File Partitioning

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Improve query performance with concepts of data file partitioning

    • Define Hive Query Language (HiveQL)

    • Define ways in which HiveQL can be extended

    Lesson 8

    Apache Flume and HBase

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain  the meaning, extensibility, and components of Apache Flume

    • Explain the meaning, architecture, and components of HBase

    Lesson 9

    Apache Pig

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain the basics of Apache Pig

    • Explain Apache Pig Architecture and Operations

    Lesson 10

    Basics of Apache Spark

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Describe the limitations of MapReduce in Hadoop

    • Compare the batch and real-time analytics

    • Explain Spark, it’s architecture, and its advantages

    • Understand Resilient Distributed Dataset Operations

    • Compare Spark with MapReduce

    • Understand functional programming in Spark

    Lesson 11

    RDDs in Spark

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Create RDDs from files and collections

    • Create RDDs based on whole records

    • List the data types supported by RDD

    • Apply single-RDD and multi-RDD transformations

    Lesson 12

    Implementation of Spark Applications

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Describe SparkContext and Spark Application Cluster options

    • List the steps to run Spark on Yarn

    • List the steps to execute Spark application

    • Explain dynamic resource allocation

    • Understand the process of configuring a Spark application

    Lesson 13

    Spark Parallel Processing

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain Spark Cluster

    • Explain Spark Partitions

    Lesson 14

    Spark RDD Optimization Techniques

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain the concept of RDD Lineage

    • Describe the features and storage levels of RDD Persistence

    Lesson 15

    Spark Algorithm

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Explain Spark Algorithm

    • Explain Graph-Parallel System

    • Describe Machine Learning

    • Explain the three C’s of Machine Learning

    Lesson 16

    Spark SQL

    In this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Identify the features of Spark SQL

    • Explain Spark Streaming and the working of stateful operations

    • Understand transformation and checkpointing in DStreams

    • Describe the architecture and configuration of Zeppelin

    • Identify the importance of Kafka in Spark SQL

  • To learn big data and hadoop complete course visit:   big data hadoop certification